Tag Archives: shrimp

Baked potatoes in Sweden with Skagenröra

Now here is a riveting post……baked potatoes in Sweden. What could possibly be so different? Well, for someone who grew up in northern Utah bordering Idaho Russet potato country, the answer is….a lot. I miss fluffy Russet baked potatoes so much that they are always on my list of “must eat” when I travel back home. […]

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Äggets dag – egg day and hard-boiled eggs with dill mayonnaise, shrimp, and caviar

World Egg Day was established by the International Egg Commission in 1996 and is celebrated on the second Friday in October. In Swedish it’s called Äggets Dag (EH-guts dahg) and I thought it was a nice opportunity to highlight the use of eggs in some classic Swedish recipes, as well as present a very simple appetizer.

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Fiskehoddarna & varmrökt lax with romsås

Fish huts & warm-smoked salmon with caviar sauce One of the first places I visited after moving to Malmö was the fiskehoddarna (fish huts) next to the Tekniska Museet and Sjöfartsmuseet (Technical Museum and Seafaring Museum). They are a charming row of historic fishing huts that were moved to this location in 1956 when the once […]

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