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Janssons frestelse – Jansson’s temptation

The first Christmas we were dating, my husband spent the holidays with my family and made Janssons frestelse as his contribution to the Christmas Eve meal. Translated at Jansson’s Temptation, the casserole of julienned potatoes, onions, pickled sprats, and cream is standard fare for the Swedish julbord (Christmas table). The idea of fish layered with potatoes […]

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White beans with tapenade and marinated artichokes

This is absolutely one of the easiest, fastest, and most versatile things I have ever made. It is definitely going in my have-it-in-the-pantry-for-emergencies recipe file. There are essentially 4 ingredients (3 if you decide to leave out the sausage). It will take you less than 5 minutes to make it and the ingredients can all […]

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White beans with roasted cherry tomatoes and rosemary

Although I was sad to see “summer” go (it was a chilly one), I’m happy about the official arrival of fall because it means the onslaught of hearty comfort foods like this white beans side dish. It’s one of the recipes I come back to again and again. It goes with chicken, pork, or even […]

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Roasted chicken with saffron bread stuffing and gravy

As promised, this is a quick follow-up to my Lucia and lussekatter post. In my efforts to provide a great recipe for Lucia buns that are common for the Lucia celebration on December 13th in Sweden, I tried two different recipes. The results left me with around 55 good-sized sweet saffron buns for a family […]

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New potatoes

New potatoes are not unique to Sweden, but their appearance around the third week of May is a sign that summer is around the corner. For a country where winter can be as long as seven months at the northern point, anything that heralds summer is a pretty big deal.

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