Tag Archives: family

Svenska Siffror (Swedish Counting)

I have been coveting this book for a year and for some reason never got around to buying it until now. I recently purchased two copies, one for my own children and one as a gift.

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Mina första 1000 ord (my first 1000 words)

We had only lived in Malmö a few days when my sister-in-law Margareta stopped by for a visit and brought Mina Första 1000 Ord by Jan Lewis. It was a gift to my then one year old daughter, Elsa, and was also intended to help me with my Swedish. The book was an instant hit with […]

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Rye bread

I’m admittedly not much of a baker. For starters, I don’t like to touch flour. It’s a relief to me that white boards have replaced chalk boards in the world because flour gives me the same chills as chalk. I love watching gymnastics when the Olympics roll around, but every time the athletes go for that […]

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Barnkammarboken, Den Silvriga – Children’s Music

With two small kids and an hour drive to my in-laws, I am incredibly appreciative of kid’s music that doesn’t push me to the brink of temporary insanity. After listening to it hundreds of times, Barnkammarboken, Den Silvriga (Nursery book, Silver) is still a CD I enjoy.

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